CRO Network - How it works

describing what's included in membership

Step 1: Onboarding

A member of our team will take you through a set of detailed onboarding questions. We want to understand your risk-related strategic priorities and the challenges that you face. We know that these can change throughout the year so you'll be able to update us whenever something new crops up. 

Step 2: Matchmaking

Our team analyses the information you provide to ensure we place you in the most relevant working groups. You'll be partnered with peers who are facing similar issues so you can get the most out of the conversations you have.  

Step 3: Meetups

Our regular roundtables allow you to deep-dive into the challenges you face. The sessions act as a forum to solve your priorities, drawing on experience from other leaders, as well as determine whether your worries are aligned with your peers.    

Step 4: Outcomes

Each session works towards an outcome. That outcome may be satisfaction that your questions have been covered, a further working detailed group drilling down into a specific problem, or a written case study.


We have been analysing complex financial issues since the 1980s. We understand the technical problems and have strong ties with the community to help solve these issues together.  

Specialised for banks

At present membership is limited to practicing senior risk leaders at banks. Our objective is to help support you and enable you to make better strategic decisions by drawing on a network of peers.  

Independent and unbiased

The network is driven solely by the best interests of members, without any influence from vendors, sponsors, or anyone else.

Tailored to your priorities

We work closely with members at the point of onboarding to ensure that you are matched with peers who are trying to solve similar problems to you.   

Practical takeaways

Our main goal is to ensure that members gain value from the working groups. Post session, we will provide you with resources that can be practically implemented within your bank.