CRO Network - FAQ

FAQ for commonly asked questions, CRO Network

What is the CRO Network?

The CRO network is an exclusive community designed for chief risk officers. Our core purpose is to facilitate conversations between members on the risk-related hurdles they are facing; helping them to overcome issues in a collaborative, supportive environment. Then, we place you in focus groups based on the issues that you specifically need support, validation, or information on. Each group is limited to a maximum of six members, to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to contribute. We understand that topics discussed are sensitive, so Chatham house rules always apply. 

What are the requirements for joining the CRO Network?

To apply for membership, you must be a chief risk officer or senior risk leader. Currently, membership to the network is limited to banks. However, if you think that your institution would benefit let us know why here

What’s included in the membership?

The CRO Network provides three key member benefits: 

  1. 1. Regular roundtables 

Gain valuable insights from our bespoke virtual meetups. Members are placed in groups that want to delve into the same areas as them. 

  1. 2. In-person networking 

We know that nothing can replace having face-to-face discussions. That’s why we’ll have a dedicated space at each of our flagship events which is limited to CRO Network members.

  1. 3. subscription access 

Access our leading editorial insights. This includes Operational Risk Benchmarking, our research service scrutinising operational risk practices at a range of financial institutions.

How does the CRO Network differ from existing finance communities?


Few have the experience or contacts that we do. We’ve worked in the market for over 30 years, so we have strong ties with the community. 

Specialised for banks 

Membership is limited to risk leaders at banks. We want to support leaders and enable them to better guide their teams. 

Independent and unbiased 

The network is driven solely by the interests of our members, without any influence from vendors, sponsors, or anyone else.

Tailored to your priorities 

We work closely with members at the point of onboarding to ensure that we are geared up to help solve the problems they specify. 

Practical takeaways

Our main goal is to ensure that our members gain value from the sessions we run. We want to ensure that we provide you with resources that can be practically implemented within your bank. 

How do the group meetings work?

During the onboarding process members will be required to provide detailed information on specific areas of interest. Then, we group you with up to six other network members. CRO’s will be required to attend the initial meeting but can defer their place to other senior team members after this.